To-do list tips

Is your head scrambled with the never ending list of things to do?

October 13, 2021
#homeorganisation #todolist #ecreativestudio

Our top tips to help you take control of your to-do list

Whether you run a household or a business - or both - chances are, you always have an epic to-do list. But rather than being a source of overwhelm and stress, your to-do list can become a reassuring and effective tool for taking control of the chaos, and help you to boost productivity and efficiency. Here are our top to-do list tips for getting the best from this brilliant device…

Keep it simple

Keep a long-term ‘running’ list, but limit your daily to-do list to a maximum of 1, 2, or 3 tasks. This is far more realistic and practical than trying to get 20 things ticked off - which means you’ll get a sense of achievement at the end of the day, rather than feeling like a failure. And you’re more likely to feel able to get started if the list isn’t too big. By doing it this way, you’re still gradually chipping away at that longer list, too. How would you eat an elephant? Bit by bit, not whole!

Set deadlines

Parkinson’s Law says that the tasks we have will expand to fill the time available. And this is so true! If you give yourself a day to do something, it will take all day. If you only have an hour to do it, chances are you will get it (or at least most of it) done in that hour. If there’s a finite time in which to complete an item on your to-do list, you’re more likely to get it done. So set yourself realistic deadlines and achieve much more each day.

Eat That Frog

Or...the value of getting the biggest or most dreaded task out of the way first. Mark Twain once said “If your job is to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

Whether you run a household or a business - or both - chances are, you always have an epic to-do list. But rather than being a source of overwhelm and stress, your to-do list can become a reassuring and effective tool for taking control of the chaos, and help you to boost productivity and efficiency. Here are our top to-do list tips for getting the best from this brilliant device…

Consider the format

It’s important to find a to-do list format that works for you. Treat yourself to one of our contemporary acrylic, wipe-clean To-do List plaques and you’ll never lose a paper list again. It can be hung or screwed to the wall, so your day’s tasks are always visible. And we’ve designed it to look gorgeous in any home.
Review priorities

Once a week, review your priorities and reorder items on the long list - this ensures nothing important gets buried as more items are added. You may even discover to-do list items that no longer need to be done! Bonus!

Order a premium acrylic To-Do List plaque to really level up your home organisation - and beautify your house at the same time - take a look at our gorgeous family planner, meal planner and goal setting plaques.

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